Are Linux Updates Available? Status Information from Arch or Debian/Ubuntu for your status bar (e.g. i3blocks/i3status for i3 wm)

When you run Linux on your work machine (desktop, laptop, etc), you usually want to be informed in some way about system updates being available. This post showcases two scripts for Arch Linux and Debian/Ubuntu to represent the update status in short, concise, and human understandable string, which can be included in any status bar, like i3blocks or i3status with the i3/i3-gaps window manager.

Batch rename pictures of multiple recording devices to show date and time in filenames

Similar to sorting images into folders named after their date, we're going to look at automatically renaming pictures - so that their names are based on timestamps they've been taken. This enables sorting pictures chronologically in pretty much all software that's out there (as sorting alphabetically implies chronological sorting then). Note that the same is … Continue reading Batch rename pictures of multiple recording devices to show date and time in filenames

Batch panorama stitching with review using Hugin

Stitching images to a panorama may take it's time -- which might be frustrating in case you need to create a whole lot of panoramas. Hugin can save you a lot of time here. Basics of Hugin in a nutshell: it's is a panorama tool providing a command line interface+UI and a two phased processing. … Continue reading Batch panorama stitching with review using Hugin